Sunday, June 7, 2009

Yes, he really DOES sleep on my head.

Cooper-Kitty just loves snuggling up next to me on my pillow- sometimes he must think I am his pillow. Chuck snapped this a few weeks ago while I was napping. It's really no wonder I have such crazy dreams, eh?!
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  1. oh my word Nicole.
    I would go NUTSO if a cat ever did that to me!
    you are one crazy lady! =)

    hope you are enjoying the summertime!

  2. Oh my heck - I would DIE. There is noooo way I could sleep like that! I'd feel like I was going to suffocate. That's hilarious!

  3. Well... it's not so bad in the winter time. Kinda like going to sleep with a hat on! But the worst part is when the "sharp, pokey ends" are all aimed at my face. That's when I encourage Cooper-kitty to go sleep on Chuck's legs.
