Sunday, September 20, 2009

2009 Harvest

Today I decided to see what the garden had been working so hard on all season.

We only got one pumpkin, the darn squirrels (or a skunk?) got to the other 2 and ate them right off the vine a couple months ago. The carrots were a surprise- I'd forgotton how many seeds we had planted. Somehow I thought it was just a couple squares' worth.

The potatoes were so much fun to dig up! They didn't get very big, but for the first time ever growing spuds I am delighted. Can hardly wait to see how they taste. yum.

I went ahead and picked all the tomatoes since the weather folks have been threatening snow sometime soon. (gasp! snow??) Only a few greenies left, and the rest will ripen pretty quickly I'll bet.

And the beets! yeah for beets. I am planning to can these tonight (or maybe in a couple days if I run short on time...) into pickled beets. This will be a new one for me, I've never tried to can beets before. wish me luck!
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