Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our First Voting Date

Chuck and I were both feeling the historic importance of yesterday's Presidential Election.

No matter what the outcome, history would be made- either the first African-American President, or the first Woman Vice-President. Important, exciting stuff!

Now, because Chuck and I differ on our political views somewhat, usually we don't discuss politics. No need to cause tension and strife in our otherwise happy little marriage! It's just always been a topic we sort of glossed over, but not because we don't have opinions about how our government is working.

This year, however... things were different. On our evening walks with the dog around the park, I actually broached the subject a few times, trying to gauge Chuck's views on the upcoming vote. We had several open and insightful conversations as the sun was setting on our neighborhood jaunts, and I think for the first time we both felt comfortable discussing our hopes for the next presidential era. I really enjoyed being able to share my enthusiasm as we talked about the significance of this particular first Tuesday in November.

Through the final days leading up to election day, Chuck and I discussed all the darn political ads on TV (we could barely wait for them to END!) and joked about all the recorded messages from candidates and supporters greeting us on our voicemail each evening when we came home from work. In church each Sunday we held hands as our pastor prayed for our nation, both Presidential Candidates, and everyone involved in the election. And then there was the frenzy of last minute research: voting guides and trying to figure out the pros & cons of all the amendments and referendums on our loooooong Colorado ballot.

We're lucky in that our polling place happens to be the small church about 4 houses up the street... it just doesn't get much more convenient than that. So, Monday night we decided that we'd both go to work Tuesday morning at our normal times and then meet back at the church at 10am to go vote together. Our first voting date!

And we did... we met in the parking lot at the church, and by then the early morning rush was over, and there was no line to get inside. In all of about 10 minutes, we had both cast our votes in this amazingly historic election, and shared the experience together, making it even more memorable for both of us.

Later that night I made a big pot of "elephant and donkey gumbo" to celebrate the day. (Really it was chicken & sausage gumbo, yum!) And as we ate dinner with Pat, we all talked about the news coverage of the election and how smoothly our trip to the polls had been. Btw- Pat was super smart and voted by mail-in ballot last week!
Cousin Mandy came over too and we all watched the news coverage and shared in excitement as Barack Obama became the President-elect of the United States. What a great night! I am truly proud to be an American today.

It was so special to be able to share this experience with Chuck. Maybe more so because it was the first time we'd really talked about political things. I was glad that we were able to talk about our views, and find the similarities and the differences... and it didn’t cause any strife or tension. No arguments or hurt feelings. As much I enjoy the ways we think alike and like the same things, Sometimes it's refreshing to explores our differences and find we can respect each others' opinions.

Maybe voting dates will become a tradition for us!


  1. awesome nicole.
    ahh isn't it wonderful to be married to your bestfriend and to truly SHARE life?
    we are soooo richly blessed!

  2. Congrats on the voting & talking politics. They are fun but can be frustrating. Happy tradition making
