Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with laughter and love. Time with Family is one of my favorite parts of the holiday. I made it a point to take a moment and consider just how blessed I am. God is so steadfast and true in his love, and there are so many blessings in my life right now.

It was also good to have 4 days off to spend lots of time with Chuck's family. We went to his Uncle Jim & Aunt Tracy's house for dinner Thursday. I cooked the turkey and stuffing and we brought it with us. (Pat was in charge of green-bean casserole and candied yams- both delicious)
Here's a pic of Chuck about to do the honors:
Chuck's audience was generous with praise- Pat, Bettye and Floyd (Tracy's Parents). I also think there might have been some "free tasting" going on!

Here's the table laden with Thanksgiving goodness... cousin Ali in the foreground.

Chuck's cousin Sam is demonstrating the joy of the pre-meal relish tray! (or is it the Olive Monster?!)

It was a wonderful day, and after our yummy dinner I played Guitar hero on the wii with Sam and Ali. Wow- what a blast!

I sang along to a classic I remember from junior high - "The Eye of the Tiger"... sheesh, that makes me feel old. And then I moved onto drums, which was more fun, but also a lot more challenging.

It was a really nice day. And it started snowing that afternoon, but just a light dusting. We got snow off and on through Sunday, with several inches Friday night. I have some really pretty pictures of sunrise in the winter wonderland, I'll share those the next post.

What did you like most about your Thanksgiving Holiday?


  1. ohhh chuck is SCARY!
    how do you close your eyes and sleep peacefully at night nicole?


  2. Sounds like a great day! I love the olive monster! I remember doing that as a kid. We had a great day and dinner too. My parents were here from Colorado and had a great time and way too much to eat!
