Tuesday, March 31, 2009

News Update

March is supposed to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb, right?! Well... I think someone needs to give a 'ol March a talking to. It was so warm and mild here for the first few weeks of the month, and now it's snowed and blowed like a mighty Ice Lion for the last week or so. We had the "Blizzard" last week, snow again Monday, Pooh's blustery day today, snow tomorrow, and I hear another big storm headed to Denver just in time for the weekend. Yikes.

I'm just glad our tulips and daffodils were shy this spring and are barely poking their green shoulders above ground, so I think they'll weather the freeze ok. Unfortunately, I heard that the West Slope of Colorado (where they have fertile valleys to grow all the yummy cherries, apricots, peaches, melons, apples, pears... oh so good!) was hit hard by the freeze, and they lost the majority of the apricot and peach crops already. The trees are just flowering, but won't set fruit now. I'm bummed about that because that means the fruit will be more expensive at the farmer's markets this summer, and I won't be able to can as much jam and jellies.

Last Saturday night I spent some time with Chuck's cousins Mandy and Melissa. Mandy had some free tickets to a musical show downtown that her boyfriend Robin was playing in the band for (bass guitar) so we all met up and went to see it. It was a cozy theater, with a really fun one-woman show starring "Patsy DeCline"! It was kind of a musical spoof on the old-time country stars, and we all loved it. Melissa saw some tiaras for sale at the coat check station and decided we needed to be "princesses" for the evening, and so we were. It was a blast, and afterwards we hung around until we got a picture with Miss Patsy DeCline herself.

Here's a pic of Princess Mandy and Robin after the show.

Chuck's Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Orson were in town last night and stayed with Pat. They are on their way to Kansas to visit our cousins Paul and Diana, so we were thrilled to get a chance to see them for the evening on their journey. And somehow they managed to plan the trip just right to catch the lull between the storms from Utah all the way to Kansas. We all went to Chili's for dinner and then sat around swapping stories and memories for the rest of the evening. Orson really liked playing with our puppy Keena, even though she shed all over him each time she got near him!

This week Chuck has a drafting project to work on with the guy up in Evergreen he's been working with, so he'll be keeping busy most of the week. It's month-end billing at work for me, so I'll be swamped until next Tuesday or so. It's good to be busy at work though, I'd much prefer that than sitting around bored at my desk all day. And having the 2 days off last week was an unexpected bonus!

Later in April I am planning a long weekend down in Albuquerque to see my friend Jen. (she moved down there to work for the Forest Service last fall) I got a flight on Frontier for a great deal, and it was too good a price to pass up. I'm really looking forward to hanging out with her, I've been missing her a lot since she moved down there.

That's pretty much all that's news right now. I hope you all are having a great week... and I've got some pictures to share tomorrow or the next day- so check back soon! :)

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